Sunrise Association

Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
Sunrise Association
  • Category: 2023 Promotional Brochure
  • Name of Entry: Sunrise Association Day Camps Brochure
  • Contact Phone: 2166473959
  • Contact Name: Chris Strom
  • Entry Background/Description: Sunrise Association's 2023 brochure was a strategic shift. Instead of individual brochures for our 12 camps, we introduced three main brochures for Sunrise, Horizon, and Aurora Day Camps. This approach refined our messaging for camp families and donors. The brochure highlights the camp's unique safety features and experience, from "Imagine a Place" to insights on eligibility, testimonials, daily activities, and medical support. It also features our digital foray with a QR code leading to a dedicated landing page and the ingenious pocket folder, ensuring camp-specific details are at hand, minimizing paper use and enhancing presentation.
  • Why You Should Vote for Me: Sunrise Association's 2023 promotional brochure is an embodiment of innovation paired with purpose. We've bridged the gap between the general and the specific, ensuring that families receive both the holistic view of our mission and the crucial details about each camp. Our strategic decision to centralize our messaging while providing individualized information through the pocket folder is not only environmentally conscious but also user-centric. The QR code, leading to a dedicated landing page, further streamlines the user experience, catering to the digital age. This brochure isn't just a promotional tool; it's a testament to our commitment to adaptability, environmental responsibility, and most importantly, the families we serve. By voting for Sunrise Association, you're championing an organization that continually evolves to offer the best to its community while staying rooted in its mission.
  • Optional: A link to a supporting PDF file. The file extension must be *.pdf: